OpenSencillo  2015.002
UserAgentParser Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static getOperatingSystem ($userAgent)
static getBrowser ($userAgent)
static getBrowserNameFromId ($browserId)
static getBrowserShortNameFromId ($browserId)
static getBrowserFamilyFromId ($browserId)
static getOperatingSystemNameFromId ($osId)
static getOperatingSystemShortNameFromId ($osId)
static getOperatingSystemIdFromName ($osName)
static getOperatingSystemFamilyFromId ($osId)

Static Protected Member Functions

static cleanupUserAgent ($userAgent)
static init ()

Static Protected Attributes

static $browsers
static $browserType
static $safariVersions
static $omniWebVersions
static $operatingSystems
static $osType
static $browserIdToName
static $browserIdToShortName
static $operatingSystemsIdToName
static $operatingSystemsIdToShortName

Static Private Attributes

static $init = false

Detailed Description

Copyright 2009, 2010 Matthieu Aubry & Piwik team All rights reserved. BSD License Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Matthieu Aubry nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Example usage Browser info: var_dump(UserAgentParser::getBrowser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); Outputs: array 'id' => 'FF' 'name' => 'Firefox' 'short_name' => 'Firefox' 'version' => '3.0' 'major_number' => '3' 'minor_number' => '0' Operating System info: var_dump(UserAgentParser::getOperatingSystem($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); Outputs: array 'id' => 'WXP' 'name' => 'Windows XP' 'short_name' => 'Win XP'

Definition at line 61 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

Member Function Documentation

static cleanupUserAgent ( userAgent) [static, protected]

Definition at line 343 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                // in case value is URL encoded
                return urldecode($userAgent);
static getBrowser ( userAgent) [static]

Returns the browser information array, given a user agent string.

array false if the browser is "unknown", or array( 'id' => '', // 2 letters ID, eg. FF 'name' => '', // 2 letters ID, eg. FF 'short_name' => '', // 2 letters ID, eg. FF 'major_number' => '', // 2 in firefox 2.0.12 'minor_number' => '', // 0 in firefox 2.0.12 'version' => '', // major_number.minor_number );
See also:
self::$browsers for the list of OS

Definition at line 362 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                $userAgent = self::cleanupUserAgent($userAgent);
                $info = array(
                        'id'                    => '',
                        'name'                  => '',
                        'short_name'    => '',
                        'major_number'  => '',
                        'minor_number'  => '',
                        'version'               => '',
                $browsers = self::$browsers;
                // derivative browsers often clone the base browser's useragent
                $browsersPattern = str_replace(')', '\)', implode('|', array_keys($browsers)));
                $results = array();
                // Misbehaving IE add-ons
                $userAgent = preg_replace('/[; ]Mozilla\/[0-9.]+ \([^)]+\)/', '', $userAgent);
                // Clean-up BlackBerry device UAs
                $userAgent = preg_replace('~^BlackBerry\d+/~', 'BlackBerry/', $userAgent);
                if (preg_match_all("/($browsersPattern)[\/\sa-z(]*([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $results)
                || (strpos($userAgent, 'Shiira') === false && preg_match_all("/(firefox|thunderbird|safari)[\/\sa-z(]*([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $results))
                || preg_match_all("/(applewebkit)[\/\sa-z(]*([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $results)
                || preg_match_all("/^(mozilla)\/([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z-]+)?(?: \[[a-z]{2}\])? (?:\([^)]*\))$/i", $userAgent, $results)
                || preg_match_all("/^(mozilla)\/[0-9]+(?:[\.0-9a-z-]+)?\s\(.* rv:([0-9]+)([.0-9a-z]+)\) gecko(\/[0-9]{8}|$)(?:.*)/i", $userAgent, $results)
                || (strpos($userAgent, 'Nintendo 3DS') !== false && preg_match_all("/^(mozilla).*version\/([0-9]+)([.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $results))
                ) {
                        // browser code (usually the first match)
                        $count = 0;
                        $info['id'] = self::$browsers[strtolower($results[1][0])];
                        // sometimes there's a better match at the end
                        if (strpos($userAgent, 'chromeframe') !== false) {
                                $count = count($results[0]) - 1;
                                $info['id'] = 'CF';
                        } elseif (($info['id'] == 'IE' || $info['id'] == 'LX') && (count($results[0]) > 1)) {
                                $count = count($results[0]) - 1;
                                $info['id'] = self::$browsers[strtolower($results[1][$count])];
                        // Netscape fix
                        if ($info['id'] == 'MO' && $count == 0) {
                                if (stripos($userAgent, 'PlayStation') !== false) {
                                        return false;
                                if (strpos($userAgent, 'Nintendo 3DS') !== false) {
                                        $info['id'] = 'NF';
                                } elseif (count($results) == 4) {
                                        $info['id'] = 'NS';
                        } // BlackBerry devices
                        elseif (strpos($userAgent, 'BlackBerry') !== false) {
                                $info['id'] = 'BB';
                        } elseif (strpos($userAgent, 'RIM Tablet OS') !== false) {
                                $info['id'] = 'BP';
                        } elseif (strpos($userAgent, 'BB10') !== false) {
                                $info['id'] = 'B2';
                        } elseif (strpos($userAgent, 'Playstation Vita') !== false) {
                                $info['id'] = 'NF';
                                if (preg_match_all("/(silk)[\/\sa-z(]*([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $newResults)) {
                                        $results = $newResults;
                                        $count = count($results[0]) - 1;
                        // Version/X.Y.Z override
                        if (preg_match_all("/(version)[\/\sa-z(]*([0-9]+)([\.0-9a-z]+)?/i", $userAgent, $newResults)) {
                                $results = $newResults;
                                $count = count($results[0]) - 1;
                        // major version number (1 in mozilla 1.7)
                        $info['major_number'] = $results[2][$count];
                        // is an minor version number ? If not, 0
                        $match = array();
                        preg_match('/([.\0-9]+)?([\.a-z0-9]+)?/i', $results[3][$count], $match);
                        if (isset($match[1])) {
                                // find minor version number (7 in mozilla 1.7, 9 in firefox 0.9.3)
                                $dot = strpos(substr($match[1], 1), '.');
                                if ($dot !== false) {
                                        $info['minor_number'] = substr($match[1], 1, $dot);
                                } else {
                                        $info['minor_number'] = substr($match[1], 1);
                        } else {
                                $info['minor_number'] = '0';
                        $info['version'] = $info['major_number'] . '.' . $info['minor_number'];
                        // IE compatibility mode
                        if ($info['id'] == 'IE'
                        && (strncmp($userAgent, 'Mozilla/4.0', 11) == 0 || strncmp($userAgent, 'Mozilla/5.0', 11) == 0)
                        && preg_match('~ Trident/([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+~', $userAgent, $tridentVersion)
                        ) {
                                $info['major_number'] = $tridentVersion[1] + 4;
                                $info['minor_number'] = '0';
                                $info['version'] = $info['major_number'] . '.' . $info['minor_number'];
                        // Safari fix
                        if ($info['id'] == 'SF') {
                                foreach (self::$safariVersions as $buildVersion => $productVersion) {
                                        if (version_compare($info['version'], $buildVersion) >= 0) {
                                                $info['major_number'] = $productVersion[0];
                                                $info['minor_number'] = $productVersion[1];
                                                $info['version'] = $info['major_number'] . '.' . $info['minor_number'];
                        // OmniWeb fix
                        if ($info['id'] == 'OW') {
                                foreach (self::$omniWebVersions as $buildVersion => $productVersion) {
                                        if (version_compare($info['version'], $buildVersion) >= 0) {
                                                $info['major_number'] = $productVersion[0];
                                                $info['minor_number'] = $productVersion[1];
                                                $info['version'] = $info['major_number'] . '.' . $info['minor_number'];
                        // SeaMonkey fix
                        if ($info['id'] == 'MO' && $info['version'] == '1.9') {
                                $info['id'] = 'SM';
                        $info['name'] = self::getBrowserNameFromId($info['id']);
                        $info['short_name'] = self::getBrowserShortNameFromId($info['id']);
                        return $info;
                return false;
static getBrowserFamilyFromId ( browserId) [static]

Definition at line 594 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                $familyNameToUse = 'unknown';
                foreach (self::$browserType as $familyName => $aBrowsers) {
                        if (in_array($browserId, $aBrowsers)) {
                                $familyNameToUse = $familyName;
                return $familyNameToUse;
static getBrowserNameFromId ( browserId) [static]

Definition at line 572 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                if (isset(self::$browserIdToName[$browserId])) {
                        return self::$browserIdToName[$browserId];
                if(class_exists('DeviceDetector\\Parser\\Client\\Browser')) {
                        $browsers = DeviceDetector\Parser\Client\Browser::getAvailableBrowsers();
                        if( array_key_exists($browserId, $browsers)) {
                                return $browsers[$browserId];
                return false;
static getBrowserShortNameFromId ( browserId) [static]

Definition at line 586 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                if (isset(self::$browserIdToShortName[$browserId])) {
                        return self::$browserIdToShortName[$browserId];
                return false;
static getOperatingSystem ( userAgent) [static]

Returns an array of the OS for the submitted user agent 'id' => '', 'name' => '', 'short_name' => '',

string false if OS couldn't be identified, or 3 letters ID (eg. WXP)
See also:
UserAgentParser/OperatingSystems.php for the list of OS (also available in self::$operatingSystems)

Definition at line 321 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                $userAgent = self::cleanupUserAgent($userAgent);
                $info = array(
                        'id'                    => '',
                        'name'                  => '',
                        'short_name'    => '',
                foreach (self::$operatingSystems as $key => $value) {
                        if (stristr($userAgent, $key) !== false) {
                                $info['id'] = $value;
                if (empty($info['id'])) {
                        return false;
                $info['name'] = self::getOperatingSystemNameFromId($info['id']);
                $info['short_name'] = self::getOperatingSystemShortNameFromId($info['id']);
                return $info;
static getOperatingSystemFamilyFromId ( osId) [static]

Definition at line 632 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                foreach (self::$osType as $familyName => $aSystems) {
                        if (in_array($osId, $aSystems)) {
                                return $familyName;
                return 'unknown';
static getOperatingSystemIdFromName ( osName) [static]

Definition at line 628 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                return isset(self::$operatingSystems[$osName]) ? self::$operatingSystems[$osName] : false;
static getOperatingSystemNameFromId ( osId) [static]

Definition at line 606 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                if (isset(self::$operatingSystemsIdToName[$osId])) {
                        return self::$operatingSystemsIdToName[$osId];
                if(class_exists('DeviceDetector\\Parser\\OperatingSystem')) {
                        if ($osId == 'BOT') {
                                return 'Bot';
                        return DeviceDetector\Parser\OperatingSystem::getNameFromId($osId);
                return false;
static getOperatingSystemShortNameFromId ( osId) [static]

Definition at line 620 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                if (isset(self::$operatingSystemsIdToShortName[$osId])) {
                        return self::$operatingSystemsIdToShortName[$osId];
                return false;
static init ( ) [static, protected]

Definition at line 491 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

                if (self::$init) {
                self::$init = true;
                // init browser names and short names
                self::$browserIdToName = array_map('ucwords', array_flip(self::$browsers));
                self::$browserIdToName['AB'] = 'ABrowse';
                self::$browserIdToName['AV'] = 'AmigaVoyager';
                self::$browserIdToName['AW'] = 'Amiga AWeb';
                self::$browserIdToName['BB'] = 'BlackBerry';
                self::$browserIdToName['BP'] = 'PlayBook';
                self::$browserIdToName['B2'] = 'BlackBerry';
                self::$browserIdToName['BX'] = 'BrowseX';
                self::$browserIdToName['CF'] = 'Chrome Frame';
                self::$browserIdToName['CO'] = 'CometBird';
                self::$browserIdToName['EL'] = 'ELinks';
                self::$browserIdToName['FF'] = 'Firefox';
                self::$browserIdToName['HJ'] = 'HotJava';
                self::$browserIdToName['IB'] = 'IBrowse';
                self::$browserIdToName['IC'] = 'iCab';
                self::$browserIdToName['KM'] = 'K-Meleon';
                self::$browserIdToName['MC'] = 'NCSA Mosaic';
                self::$browserIdToName['NF'] = 'NetFront';
                self::$browserIdToName['OW'] = 'OmniWeb';
                self::$browserIdToName['SF'] = 'Safari';
                self::$browserIdToName['SM'] = 'SeaMonkey';
                self::$browserIdToName['WO'] = 'Palm webOS';
                self::$browserIdToName['WP'] = 'WebPro';
                self::$browserIdToShortName = self::$browserIdToName;
                self::$browserIdToShortName['AW'] = 'AWeb';
                self::$browserIdToShortName['FB'] = 'Firebird';
                self::$browserIdToShortName['IE'] = 'IE';
                self::$browserIdToShortName['MC'] = 'Mosaic';
                self::$browserIdToShortName['BP'] = 'PlayBook';
                self::$browserIdToShortName['WO'] = 'webOS';
                // init OS names and short names
                $operatingSystemsIdToName = array(
                        'IPD' => 'iPod',
                        'IPA' => 'iPad',
                        'WME' => 'Windows Me',
                        'BEO' => 'BeOS',
                        'T64' => 'Tru64',
                        'NDS' => 'Nintendo DS',
                        'WIU' => 'Nintendo Wii U',
                        '3DS' => 'Nintendo 3DS',
                        // These are for BC purposes only
                        'W75' => 'WinPhone 7.5',
                        'WP7' => 'WinPhone 7',
                        'W65' => 'WinMo 6.5',
                        'W61' => 'WinMo 6.1',
                self::$operatingSystemsIdToName = array_merge(array_flip(self::$operatingSystems), $operatingSystemsIdToName);
                $operatingSystemsIdToShortName = array(
                        'PS3' => 'PS3',
                        'PSP' => 'PSP',
                        'WII' => 'Wii',
                        'WIU' => 'Wii U',
                        'NDS' => 'DS',
                        'DSI' => 'DSi',
                        '3DS' => '3DS',
                        'PSV' => 'PS Vita',
                        'WI8' => 'Win 8',
                        'WI7' => 'Win 7',
                        'WVI' => 'Win Vista',
                        'WS3' => 'Win S2003',
                        'WXP' => 'Win XP',
                        'W98' => 'Win 98',
                        'W2K' => 'Win 2000',
                        'WNT' => 'Win NT',
                        'WME' => 'Win Me',
                        'W95' => 'Win 95',
                        'WPH' => 'WinPhone',
                        'WMO' => 'WinMo',
                        'WCE' => 'Win CE',
                        'WOS' => 'webOS',
                        'UNK' => 'Unknown',
                self::$operatingSystemsIdToShortName = array_merge(self::$operatingSystemsIdToName, $operatingSystemsIdToShortName);

Field Documentation

$browserIdToName [static, protected]

Definition at line 306 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$browserIdToShortName [static, protected]

Definition at line 307 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$browsers [static, protected]

Definition at line 65 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$browserType [static, protected]
Initial value:
                'ie'            => array('IE'),
                'gecko'         => array('NS', 'PX', 'FF', 'FB', 'CA', 'GA', 'KM', 'MO', 'SM', 'CO', 'FE', 'KP', 'KZ', 'TB'),
                'khtml'         => array('KO'),
                'webkit'        => array('SF', 'CH', 'OW', 'AR', 'EP', 'FL', 'WO', 'AB', 'IR', 'CS', 'FD', 'HA', 'MI', 'GE', 'DF', 'BB', 'BP', 'TI', 'CF', 'RK', 'B2', 'NF'),
                'opera'         => array('OP'),

Definition at line 154 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$init = false [static, private]

Definition at line 310 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$omniWebVersions [static, protected]
Initial value:
                '622.15'        => array('5', '11'),
                '622.10'        => array('5', '10'),
                '622.8'         => array('5', '9'),
                '622.3'         => array('5', '8'),
                '621'           => array('5', '7'),
                '613'           => array('5', '6'),
                '607'           => array('5', '5'),
                '563.34'        => array('5', '1'),
                '558.36'        => array('5', '0'),
                '496'           => array('4', '5'),

Definition at line 180 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$operatingSystems [static, protected]

Definition at line 193 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$operatingSystemsIdToName [static, protected]

Definition at line 308 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$operatingSystemsIdToShortName [static, protected]

Definition at line 309 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$osType [static, protected]
Initial value:
                'Windows'                               => array('WI8', 'WI7', 'WVI', 'WS3', 'WXP', 'W2K', 'WNT', 'WME', 'W98', 'W95'),
                'Linux'                                 => array('LIN'),
                'Mac'                                   => array('MAC'),
                'iOS'                                   => array('IPD', 'IPA', 'IPH'),
                'Android'                               => array('AND'),
                'Windows Mobile'                => array('WPH', 'WMO', 'WCE'),
                'Gaming Console'                => array('WII', 'WIU', 'PS3', 'XBX'),
                'Mobile Gaming Console' => array('PSP', 'PSV', 'NDS', 'DSI', '3DS'),
                'Unix'                                  => array('SOS', 'AIX', 'HP-UX', 'BSD', 'NBS', 'OBS', 'DFB', 'SYL', 'IRI', 'T64'),
                'Other Mobile'                  => array('MAE', 'WOS', 'POS', 'BLB', 'QNX', 'SYM', 'SBA'),
                'Other'                                 => array('VMS', 'OS2', 'BEOS', 'AMI')

Definition at line 293 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

$safariVersions [static, protected]
Initial value:
                '536.25'        => array('6', '0'),
                '534.48'        => array('5', '1'),
                '533.16'        => array('5', '0'),
                '533.4'         => array('4', '1'),
                '526.11.2'      => array('4', '0'),
                '525.26'        => array('3', '2'),
                '525.13'        => array('3', '1'),
                '522.11'        => array('3', '0'),
                '412'           => array('2', '0'),
                '312'           => array('1', '3'),
                '125'           => array('1', '2'),
                '100'           => array('1', '1'),
                '85'            => array('1', '0'),
                '73'            => array('0', '9'),
                '48'            => array('0', '8'),

Definition at line 162 of file userAgent.parser.usagpa.php.

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